A few updates, some questions answered and a little bit of this and that.....
Good morning! Hope everyone is having a great week. I have been so busy over here, truly non stop.I try to answer all the emails I get, and lately I have gotten many....so I apologize if haven't gotten back to you but I decided to try and answer many of the questions in this post as well as address certain inquires many of you have had. In addition, I have not been able to make my usual blog rounds as regularly as I normally do but hope to get back on track soon. Know I am thinking of you and cannot wait to catch up! Thanks as always for your continued support. First a few updates, then your questions answered and finally a little bit of randomness and some fun. Before we begin.........a favor to ask of you IF you think I deserve your vote! Yesterday I was made me aware of my name being in the hat for "best home design blog nominations".....I am soo excited and honored! If you care to vote, it would be amazing to get your vote!! Click here . Thanks everyone......you c...